Ramblings of a disused brain

Thursday, 12 March 2009

The same thing, in English please...

"I am awaiting confirmation of a B wave low in order to go long and ride wave C higher to 1.50 +. “The count that I am working with now treats the rally from 1.35 to 1.4990 as wave A of a flat (flats have subwaves 3-3-5).” Wave B is in 3 waves and waves a and c of B are roughly equal (a common occurrence). Exceeding 1.3954 would be the first sign that a low is in place. Until then, there is the possibility of price testing 1.35."

I have a confession to make. I am a bean counter, a bean counter of the boring variety. Wait a minute, that's NOT my confession, I'm still getting to it! A bean counter who is worth his beans would, theoretically speaking, understand what's written in the preceding paragraph. I don't. Its all gobbledegook to me. This gives me the same vague confusion that comes from reading free horoscope predictions.

Take this gem for instance:

"Longer term, if the USDCAD is breaking higher in an impulse as a terminal thrust from a triangle (that had been underway since October), then price needs to remain above 1.2348."

Any normal, red blooded male would think this is an excerpt from a romantic novel in which the story is at that critical stage when the hero, USD and the heroine, CAD are going to do things which only dirty little or highly romantic minds (depending on which side of the coin you're looking at) can come up with. But no, this is a long term forecast for the US Dollar and Canadian Dollar!

Do you know what's at the root of my problems? Mozilla Firefox, version 3.1 to be precise. The blasted browser is awesome at all times except when it has the little "subscribe to feed" link with each web page. While researching some stuff about foreign exchange rates, I came across this site which gives forex forecasts and promptly hit subscribe, only to feel inadequate with every passing day.

Woe is me....

Note: All text in italics are part of an actual forex forecast taken from the website wwwdotdailyfxdotcom and is copy righted to them. Feel free to check it out and join me in my inadequacy buhahaha....


  1. A person, who adores something, will imagine about that always and he will apply the same to all other things.. Am I right?

  2. Tick Tock Tick Tock...
    Counting the time to next blog .........

  3. @Brainwaves: You can reset the timer now!
