Ramblings of a disused brain

Sunday, 10 May 2009

I'm a failure, there I said it

I failed my school's motto i.e., Never Give In and, I failed to reach my own targets. I have no excuses and I'm guilty as charged.

No, I'm talking about achieving my blogging deadlines.

I'm talking about Executive Orders. Does that ring a bell? I'm happy to say that I finally finished page 250, but after much deliberation, I've decided to abandon ship. Its not been an easy decision and I have undergone the same trials and tribulations a captain of a sinking ship feels - do I go down with the ship or escape with the rest of crew? I have chosen the latter.

Instead, I began reading a Dan Brown and have reached page 60 in just an hour, no problems with characters or parallel plots, thank you.

150 pages after I last reported to you, I'm no closer to understanding the characters (I've lost count of the new characters by the way), so I have decided that the President of the United States will have to battle evil on his own, I will not be able to help him and I wish him luck in setting the world right.


  1. This Poo once picked up a pillow sized book of Tom Clancy because it was given for 25cents at the local library. I still have it, somehow the plot just never appeals to me!

    Some people become commercial successes as writers in spite of low talent, and sometimes extremely talented writers just don;t get the commercial break they deserve. That is just life! Dan Brown is amazing - you'll enjoy it, I guarantee it :)

  2. Hey Anand!

    Vatta here - Jacob Vattakaven. Nice stuff yo..was curious to know what you were blabbering and must say you write funny without much effort! good stuff.

  3. Hey Vatta! Thanks. You'll understanding what I'm blabbering about if you follow the link in the word Executive Orders, it's an older post of mine to which this is related :)
